Thursday, September 20, 2012

You Ate Newspaper for Lunch? Oh, Okay

Babies crack me up. They are so socially unaware and it is delightful to witness them doing something that an adult would never even consider. As I was tickling B last night, I noticed something on the roof of his mouth and promptly removed it. It was a piece of newspaper. No biggie. I guess it just looked appetizing and he took a chomp. It soaked up saliva for a time and then became so pliable it then molded to the shape of his mouth. He eventually forgot it was even there. Weird. Only a baby would do such a thing...I hope.

In other news, I stumbled across a new Child Saver today. I call "busy activities" "Child Savers" because I feel that they assist me in not putting my child up for sale on a daily basis. Cupcake liners. Yes. To the two year old brain they are all engrossing and they kept my little monster busy for AN HOUR! Who would have thought? I didn't even give them to her parse; she grabbed them off of the floor after they fell when I reached for the baking soda. I thought for a second about snatching them out of her hands and then relented out of sheer mental exhaustion (i.e., I didn't want the fight.) And there you have it- cupcake liners are completely cheap, safe and super fun! I took it a step further and served her lunch in the liners since she was having so much fun. Would you believe that my child ate an entire sandwich? Holla!

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