Monday, September 10, 2012

The Great Strawberry Heist

It’s been a long two weeks. Elk season is in full swing which means that I've been on my own with R and B since my husband is out hunting for more dead animal heads to adorn the walls of our home. Sick.

I wanted nothing more than to run today. To run all by myself without stopping to pick up dropped sippee cups, pinecones or binkies is a priceless slice of heaven. My dear Mother-in-law told me to drop the kids by for an hour so that I could take off on my own. Today’s adventure began after naps and before running.

While grocery shopping earlier in the day R noticed some lovely strawberries and exclaimed "strawberries mama!" The old woman next to us chuckled and I happily placed a carton in our cart. This thrilled R immensely which is such a joy for a mother to behold. The day progressed normally from there and as soon as R woke up from her nap I left the Littles in the living room in front of some PBS show and I wandered back to my room to change clothes. We have a musical fridge which beeps if the door is left open for an extended period of time. I heard the dreaded beeping and yelled in my mean mom voice for R to close the door. The beeping stopped.

You may have heard your own mother explain to you at some point in your own young life that moms have eyes in the back of their heads. This is an absolute fact. Yes, the beeping had stopped but something told me to run and check things out.

I walked to the kitchen. R's mouth dropped open in shock, as did mine. The carton of gorgeous strawberries sat opened on the floor, R stood above, her arms cradling several berries. Her mouth was stained and juice dripped down her chin to her white shirt which was also stained. B looked up at me totally clueless of the offense, his little mouth unable to close as a whole strawberry was locked inside...I could see the stem. He held another in his hand- his lips too were stained. He attempted to shove another berry in his mouth but there was just no room in the inn; it fell to the floor and in the same moment he reached into the carton ferociously for another. I lunged at the berries. R did too and she beat me. She exclaimed "more strawberries!" and took 3 more. She couldn't hold them all and some fell to the floor which excited B who grunted and squealed as he tried with all his might to grasp the plenty that suddenly surrounded him. I finally reached the carton. I looked at the scene in front of me and I realized that I could not get mad; it was hilarious! Strawberries were smashed all over the floor- the two had had a hay day. I took a picture to document the event. B still had the first berry in his little mouth which was still open in whistle form with the stem exposed. At 9 months old and with 3 teeth this was his first taste of strawberries since doctors recommend waiting until the age of two before introducing them as they carry a high rate of allergic reaction. His chubby little legs kicked with joy.

I ordered the strawberries back into the carton to which R obliged and even tried placing half eaten berries as well. I cleaned up the mess, changed their clothes and sat R on the couch to explain once again the rules of the refrigerator; that she must always ask mommy and daddy to get her food, and that she is not allowed to open the door. She immediately opened her mouth "Mama, pease open fridge for R eat strwawbewees?"

Me: "No."


  1. The love of children, their wonderful smiles, their sweet laughs, their falls, the ups and the downs... Being a mother is truly a gift. Great first blog, I will keep checking for more stories!

  2. I love it! By the way, a couple of years ago an older sister in our ward taught me an amazing trick to get berry stains out of clothes: lay the clothes over and upside down strainer and pour boiling water on them. The stains disappear before your eyes! I am no longer afraid of ruined clothes from berries:) Good luck with your little people, I can't wait to hear more of your stories!

  3. Good for you for containing your temper and enjoying the moment to laugh and document in a photo!! Your auntie totally enjoyed this event with you, I miss those days soooo much, treasure it now. It's not like she is eating 4 boxes of tic-tacs -oops!!
